Circus, Animated Series, Kids Show, Cartoon, Moral Story - ZEE5 Original GUDDU- Animated Series is a complete package! As parents, we are always looking for someone who can teach our child some good lessons. The new ZEE5 Exclusive animated series GUDDU brings some life-long lessons along with unlimited fun and adventure to your child’s life during this lockdown. To make this BACH-PAN time precious, entertaining, adventurous, and full of learning for your child, the Guddu Animated Series on ZEE5 Kids is Non-Stop BachFUN! The storyline of this GUDDU Animated Series on ZEE5 Kids is simple yet entertaining where Guddu- The lion runs a circus and is also a part of it, takes care of the town, and is always helpful. Just like a perfect Bollywood hero, Guddu as the king of the jungle ensures the safety of all animals and entertains your child with his heroic and magical acts. This flying lion has a bouquet of talents including action, comedy, fun and a guide. Yes, you heard it... - Blog by Sumit Sharma which focusses on Digital Marketing Updates & Insights, Travel Stories, Event Reviews & Trending Stories.