Do investments scare you? It is often quite possible, with the stock market and mutual fund rates soaring sky high and dipping the next minute; that you would be skeptical to try your hand at investing. Moreover, the various people you go to for consultation end up in confusing you more than solving your problems and showing you the right path. Under this situation what the need of the hour is , is the development of proper investment guide. This thought was understood and acted upon by Angel Broking, one of the best brokerage companies. They have developed a path-breaking technology that is bound to assist you into your investment routines. The ARQ: The ARQ is a hyper intelligent engine which has been developed in scientifically tested environment to search through customer input parameters, analyse the future of the stock market and mutual fund market risks and chalk out a suitable plan for the customer. The ARQ has been designed in such a manner that it looks a - Blog by Sumit Sharma which focusses on Digital Marketing Updates & Insights, Travel Stories, Event Reviews & Trending Stories.